How to use protein safely |

Various diets with a high protein content and a low carbohydrate content are still a topical issue today. In particular, strength athletes and bodybuilders try to take every opportunity to take as much protein drinks as possible. In turn, a person consumes protein bars in the hope of rapid weight loss. How to use protein safely?

The power of proteins

It is easy to understand the excitement surrounding proteins because protein is an important part of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Our body uses proteins to build and regenerate muscle tissue. With the help of protein, enzymes, hormones and other substances needed by the body are formed. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood.
Along with fats and carbohydrates, proteins are called “Macronutrient ingredients,” which means that the body needs a relatively large amount of them. Vitamins and minerals, which are required only in small amounts, are included in the so-called “Micronutrient components.” Unfortunately, unlike fats and carbohydrates, the body does not store protein, and therefore there is no protein supply in the body from which the body could be supplied in the event of a protein deficiency. So we often come across the opinion that it is necessary to take protein throughout the day. However, experts have a different opinion in this regard.
The truth is, we actually need to take in less protein than you might think. The more we use protein from better food sources (quality protein), the more our body will benefit from it.

How much protein is enough?

Apparently we’ve all heard the myth that the more protein, the bigger the muscles. In fact, the only way to build muscle mass is through exercise. The organs need a relatively small amount of protein to function well. Extremely high doses of protein will not provide you with more muscle mass or strength. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services:
Adolescent boys and active people can get enough protein from three daily portions.For children aged 2 to 6, most women and some older people, two daily servings are recommended.For older children, adolescent girls, active women and most men, two daily servings of protein are recommended.Anyone who eats about 200 grams of steak, which is usually served in restaurants, gets more protein than his body needs. In addition, it absorbs a lot of saturated fats, which contribute to clogging of blood vessels.
For the general population, for a healthy individual, whether female or male, a protein intake of between 0.8-1.2 g per 1 kg of body weight is sufficient, whether she is lean or performs light physical activity. Athletes who exercise regularly and intensively, especially strength-oriented athletes striving for muscle development, should take in increased amounts of protein in their diet, but we recommend a maximum of 2 g per kg body weight, depending on your weight, body constitution and current condition. including the medical. Protein intake higher than 2 g kg body weight is completely unnecessary.

Disadvantages of a high protein diet

Many people who have jumped on the fashion trends of high-protein / low-carbohydrate diets think they can take in as much protein as they like. But nutritionists call for caution. The main reason is to understand what are the right amounts for protein and carbohydrate intake. Only understanding the idea of ​​this diet leads to weight loss. When people ingest a lot of protein but little carbohydrate, a change in their metabolism occurs called ketosis. Ketosis means that the body will no longer burn carbohydrates, but will choose its own fat as a fuel to burn. Under favorable metabolic conditions, the fat forms ketones in the body, which are released into the bloodstream and serve as a source of energy. Ketosis, which also occurs in diabetes, leads to suppression of appetite. The fact that people eat less increases the removal of fluids from the body in the urine, which leads to weight loss.
High protein diets, such as the Atkinson diet, can have short-term benefits with long-term health consequences. Possible risks: The body produces ammonia when protein levels fall. The risk of higher levels of ammonia in the body for a long time is not yet known. There is also evidence that people who eat a lot of protein usually excrete excess calcium in their urine. This suggests that the body releases calcium stores into the bloodstream to combat the increased acids caused by protein consumption (calcium stores, neutralize acids). Excessive calcium loss can lead to osteoporosis.
People on a low-carb diet avoid high-carbohydrate foods, including fruits and vegetables, which are the best source of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, which are nutrients that help prevent disease and strengthen health. In contrast, animal foods that are high in protein usually also have a high content of saturated fatty acids, which increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and several types of cancer.
The American Heart Association warns: “. Reducing carbohydrate intake usually means an increase in dietary fat intake, which raises blood cholesterol levels and further increases cardiovascular risk. ” The AHA also states that people focus on a source of protein and carbohydrates while eating too much salt, too little calcium, potassium, magnesium, which are commonly found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

A short look at a high-protein diet

It is difficult to detect the various effects of high protein intake during a long period of a high protein diet. According to some studies, a high-protein diet is only safe for 6 months.
The most common questions in the field of protein consumption are the following:
Does a high-protein diet increase fat burning in the body?
Does a high protein diet increase satiety?
Does a high-protein diet reduce total calories taken?
Can a high-protein diet lead to weight loss?
In most cases, the answers are “yes”. The protein can be converted in the body to glucose, ie. for energy, but it takes twice as long and with much more effort than converting carbohydrates or fats into glucose. This extraordinary effort occurs only in the extreme case when very little energy is available to the body.In terms of fullness, clinical studies have shown that high-protein diets increase satiety and hunger compared to high-fat or high-carbohydrate diets. In addition, most, but not all, of these controlled studies have shown that most people on a high-protein diet needed about 10% less energy (about 200 calories) per day, which could be the least of some diets on this type of diet.
There is clear evidence that high-protein diets cause great fat loss. On average, high-protein diets caused a weight loss of approximately 2 kg, compared to the results of other diets after six months.
 “Most studies show results for up to six months, but after six months, they begin to lose their effectiveness, either because people are unable to follow the diet in the long run or because they become biologically accustomed to the diet. This means that in the long run, diets high in protein tend to lose their ability to maintain weight.

Choose your proteins wisely

The type of protein you eat can play a role in successfully losing weight and have an overall positive effect on health. Consumption of large amounts of processed meat, such as sausages and salami, which have been associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and colon cancer, makes it more difficult to maintain weight and lose weight. If you eat these proteins often, it can also have a negative effect on your health, so try to choose fast-digesting proteins such as Egg Protein from the renowned company Reflex Nutrition, which is also suitable for those who have an allergy to soy, or milk products. In our article we will help you find your way when choosing the best whey protein
Food tips from which you can take protein:
Fish: Fish offer the heart beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and generally contain less fat than meat.Poultry: We can remove most of the saturated fat from poultry by removing the skin.Beans: Beans contain more protein than any other vegetable protein. In addition, they are full of fiber, which will help ensure a feeling of satiety for hours.Nuts: Approximately 30 grams of almonds will give you 6 grams of protein, which is almost as much protein as 30 grams of grilled Rib Eye steak (beef from the grill).Wholegrain grains: A slice of wholegrain bread gives you 3 grams of protein, plus valuable fiber.“Many plant foods such as soy and legumes can give you the same amount of protein as meat. Eat nuts for breakfast every day, as they not only contain a lot of protein, but are also a source of healthy fat. | Online Steroid Shop – Buy Steroids – Cheap Steroids for sale
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